Membership requirements
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Active Fellows shall be licensed physician in the United States who area certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology or its equivalent as determined by the Council. Membership shall be proposed in writing by a sponsor and seconder (each of whom shall be a member of the society) for approval by the Society. The Membership Committee is responsible for investigating the qualifications and reputation of the candidate and may at its option, request the candidate to appear before it for a personal interview. Each application must also be approved by the membership of the society, by majority vote, at a regularly stated meeting.
Senior Fellows: an Active Fellow, upon withdrawal from full-time practice of medicine, because of hardship, upon attaining the age of 65 years may request transfer to Senior Fellowship. This transfer shall be approved by majority vote of the Council. Senior Fellows shall not pay annual dues, nor may they vote or hold office. A Senior Fellow may invite guests to meetings, propose new members, and participate in the scientific deliberations of the Society.
Non-Resident Fellows: A duly elected Active Fellow may apply for transfer to the status of “Non-Resident Fellow” when he/she moves his/her place of residence more than fifty miles from New York City. Such Fellows may not vote or hold elected office. They may invite guests to meetings, propose new members and participate in the scientific deliberation of the Society. Annual dues for this class of membership shall be determined by the Council.
Honorary Fellow: On the recommendation of the Council, a person may be elected an Honorary Fellow by majority vote of the membership and shall have all the rights of a Senior Fellow.
Associate Fellows: At a meeting of the Council in June of 2003 this category was added by Amendment to the By-Laws. Associate Fellows shall be licensed physicians in the United States who are Board Eligible for Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology or its equivalent as determined by the Council. Associate Fellows will remain in this status until they have attained Board certification but not longer than 2 years, unless Associate Fellow is in an approved Fellowship training program. If in a training program, the Associate Fellow may apply for extension. Once certification obtained the Associate Fellow will become an Active Fellow with all rights and responsibilities therein .